Case Study: ITIL Process Improvement

Enterprise Iron Financial Industry Solutions, Inc.


Auditors cited incompleteness within our clients’ design documentation, so they engaged with Enterprise Iron to help.

As an IT Services Team for a large Government Retirement Services firm, these gaps created cybersecurity vulnerabilities and placed large datasets of PII at risk.

The firm had also committed to building online withdrawal capabilities in order to win client re-bid mandates.

To offer industry-leading digital services, this would be provided via their plan participant portal.


Our IT Management and ITIL Process Experts helped define a roadmap towards ITIL maturity.

  • They emphasized process and procedure standardization for configuration management

Next, a Configuration Management Database (CMDB) was designed to capture and document the application portfolio at component and component instance levels of detail.

  • This supported the firm’s choice to use ServiceNow™ as a platform for their ITIL Service Management

Our Solution Architects worked with Application Service Teams and reverse-engineered the legacy portfolio to capture all integrations into the CMDB.

  • This effort enabled maturing ITIL Service Management processes

Lastly, platform insights were leveraged to drive improvements and modernizations throughout the portfolio.


The audit findings were addressed while avoiding greater regulatory scrutiny.

Our client addressed PII security vulnerabilities by mounting a program with the proper design documentation.

Ultimately, the ITIL CMDB tool successfully captured everything needed.

Our client could now better focus on modernizing their platform due to this gained control of audit findings.